Saturday, March 19, 2005

Fixed Point Observation 03

Kaliningrad (a town in Germany Kant lived) and Vienna were not only convenient towns getting informations, but also these towns were suitable for them to announce new theories for Kant and Freud.
But nowadays, whether a town is convenient to get infomations is not most important reason when people choose the place to live.
A friend of mine from university who has lived in Tuscany in Itary told me that she could look news in Japan by Internet. Well,she knew more about the latest incidents in Japan than me!
She loves natures and culture in Tuscany.
With the Internet, people might get back primitive sense that people decide the place to settle down for the reason of affection for the area.
Prof.J who has been studied the history of Arechitecture around the Mediterranean Sea said that I could live everywhere in the world and recently he has considered buying a flat in Venetian.

Fixed point observation is a sound idea.
As you know, continuation of something is really important.

But the world is wide and thrilling.
Life is too long to stay at the fixed point.

Have you already decided your fixed point ?
Can you suppress the impulse to move ?

Probably, I can't....


Blogger sacchan said...

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4:21 AM  
Blogger sacchan said...

To Yuko
Hello Yuko. Thank you for coming my blogspot.
You would like to ask me about my first impression of you, wouldn’t you?
When you said you liked looking at interior magazines, I imagined that you were an art college student or you had a kind of creative job.
You looked like you had an absorbing hobby that obsessed you. When you said you had 100 CDs, I convinced.
You look like you can keep your own pace without being affected by people around you.
And do you like dogs? I’m sure You have a pet as a dog who has a warm and comfortable mood like you.
How was your first impression of me? Please leave your comment! See you tomorrow.

4:22 AM  

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